I'm not enslaved by my addiction anymore. I have hope for a better life. I'm not alone anymore. I am now armed with tools to fight addiction.

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At the point of total insanity, controlled by my addiction.
Hi, my name is Vincent. I have been living in active addiction for many years until I got to the point of total insanity. I was isolated, depressed, miserable, being controlled by my addiction. Living for my addiction, not making any progress in many areas of my life. My relationships became toxic, my environment became toxic, I became toxic because of my substance abuse. I arrived here hopeless, depressed and miserable with no purpose in life anymore. This NA program at PRC Recovery has been like a miracle for me. I am not enslaved by my addiction anymore. I have hope for a better way of life, I am not alone anymore. I am now armed with tools to fight addiction. I have found the grace of God here at PRC Recovery and through His grace and PRC Recovery, I now have a second chance to live. Thank you, to the NA program and staff at PRC Recovery, you really made me start to live again.
Individual Counselling
Counselling was very intimate and non-judgemental. Very genuine and helped me a lot to resolve issues I had with myself and also to assist me in my recovery process and advise me on what to do and how to go about it.
Group Counselling
Very knowledgeable and interesting. Definitely helped in many areas, emotionally and mentally. Also how to manage everything better and build up self-esteem, encouraging and motivating. Learned skills and got tools on how to recover successfully.
Step Work Counselling
This I think is the care of self. To be able, to be honest, and work on oneself, to identify flaws to see how insane I was to have some sanity restored and to make progress in recovery has been like a miracle to me. NA saved my life.
The Facility is not bad, beds are a bit uncomfortable but managed to make a plan. Otherwise, it is beautiful here, very peaceful and nature is so alive here. It is an awesome place for PRC Recovery. It has a good feeling about it, like a spiritual presence.
The meals were great. Thank you for adapting meals to suit my needs.
This is awesome, the Fellowship is really very very good, true and loving. It is great for me to be in the Fellowship and not isolated anymore. The sponsors are genuine, true, loving and caring. Really helped me in many ways. Also because of God, all is possible.
It has really been worth every second here. I have had a massive transformation take place in my life, from being enslaved to my addiction and insane to be free from the enslavement and have hope, have a purpose and a relationship with a loving Higher Power.