I've regained confidence in life again and know that should I make what I've learned at PRC part of my lifestyle, I will remain in recovery.
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Thank you for my new perspective and second chance in life.
When I got here I was very close to giving up on life. I have lost my sanity and motivation in life and my emotions were running wildly out of control. I knew that no one person or institution can really help me, however, they can give me the opportunity and guidance to help myself. So I took this as a personal step. PRC Recovery introduced me to the Twelve Step Programme and working through it I had to come to terms that I was powerless over my addiction and that it was a disease I will carry for the rest of my life. As I worked through the steps and during the group sessions I realised that there was hope. By committing to the programme and group sessions my hope turned into faith and that made me commit even more. As I started seeing results in my life (physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually) I now developed trust in myself and the programme. Now I have regained confidence in life again and I know that should I make what I have learned at PRC Recovery part of my lifestyle I will remain in control of my sanity, emotions and life. Thank you for my new perspective and second chance in life.
Individual Counselling
My counselling sessions and counsellors were very sincere and of great value to me. I have learned a lot about myself and how to improve where needed. Awesome, thanks to all!
Group Counselling
The content was always relevant and it felt that it was scheduled with me in my mind. It gave me a lot of faith and motivation, therefore I could take positive action.
Step Work Counselling
I received good guidance during these sessions and was always motivated to progress further. Thank you Onthene and Mart for widening my perspectives.
When you really want to rediscover yourself you need to get back to basics. This is what I got here, still comfortable and providing for all my needs. I enjoyed my stay, especially in my gym sessions.
I think I ate too much (joke!). The food was well prepared and the meals were in line with a balanced diet. Bit of an issue with the coffee, tea and sugar (but that was hard to control even at work in an office scenario)
We were all broken people when we got here, but as I settled in I found a sort of unity within the house. Unity amongst my peers as well as the staff. There was however one person who really made things tough at times (but hey, that to me was a test).
I think it would be nice if there could be some group (team) activities. Something that will engage everyone, like a sort of obstacle course where a team should work together - team building and self-confidence building.