From the day I contacted PRC recovery they were helpful and followed up. I got the support I needed to find myself.

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I have been to five-star facilities before but I will rather be here.
From the day I contacted PRC Recovery they were helpful and followed up. I got the support I needed to find myself.
Individual Counselling
Individual counselling was good. During the week in isolation, I thought someone would come around and sit and talk. The first week nothing was done, only my life story.
Group Counselling
Good, the work was explained properly. If I did not understand it was explained to me.
Step Work Counselling
Good. Maybe twice a week would be better, but mine was good. Thanks, if I had a problem, I would ask and get answers.
I loved the facility. I was in a five-star place before but this gave new meaning to my recovery, and will always be on my mind.
Good. I was on a special diet, Meals were adjusted to suit me. Really good.
Good, was done in a professional way, love it.
If someone gets consequences for not doing duties or relapsing, follow through on it. Some of the clients kept doing whatever they wanted.
What Makes PRC Different?
The people. The area it is situated. The way I got attention, the way the staff worked with me. I have been to five-star facilities before but I will rather be here. I learned a lot.