I came to PRC Recovery a broken man. I didn't know how to handle my emotions and my problems but realised my part in each situation.

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My life started to change in a positive way once I found recovery.
I came to PRC Recovery a broken man, I did not know how to handle my emotions and my problems but after starting with my life story and all the feedback I received, I started to realize my part in each and every situation. I saw my life starting to change in a positive way. I was able to concern others which in the past I was selfish. I had a great experience in my recovery. Thanks to my Higher Power and the staff at PRC Recovery.
Individual Counselling
When I came to PRC recovery I was confused, I did not know the root of my problem. After the sessions with Octavea and Persty, I started realising what was wrong with me.
Group Counselling
I got a lot of knowledge from the group counselling and it made me aware of what I should do next in my recovery. It was a great experience.
Step Work Counselling
My sessions with Morne was very good and I am grateful for him making me realise that I am not a monster, I just made mistakes. I am human.
The facility is good and the staff understand what to do in many cases to solve our problems, I wish them well and pray that God protects them and keep them safe.
The meals were good, I enjoyed it a lot. I am grateful to the staff who prepared our meals. I do not have any complaints about the meals.
The Fellowship was a great experience. Since I came to PRC Recovery the meetings helped me realize a lot of things about my life. With all the shares I have listened to, they made me strong.
The twelve steps do work if you work them. Just have to be open-minded and willing and have faith in the program.