PRC Recovery changed my life. The 12-step program gave me the keys to unlock a clean and sober way of living going forward.

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PRC Recovery welcomed me with open arms and had no judgement.
Before going to PRC Recovery, I never thought there were people experiencing the same daily struggles that I had been having for many years. The staff and clients at PRC Recovery welcomed me with open arms and had no judgement about my troubles past or present. Even after I made a huge mistake, they still never gave up on me. PRC Recovery and the program gave me the keys to unlock a clean and sober way of living going forward. The time I spent there has had an enormous impact on the way I now approach even the smallest aspects of my daily doings. I will never be able to express how much the staff, coaches and even the clients I met on my journey have meant to me. PRC Recovery changed my life.
Individual Counselling
Individual Counselling was great, got very good and very real input from my recovery coach. She helped me see a lot of things that I did not understand more clearly. She always had time to listen.
Group Counselling
I loved the group slots, very fun and informative. Grief class though, not so much. The slots were different on a weekly basis and covered a wide variety of topics.
Step Work Counselling
Step work was not always fun, but it was necessary. It helped me get to the core of my problems.
10 out of 10 for the facility, very modern from the office to the gym. Loved the dorm-style, did not have a roommate in forever. The braai area was a favourite place to sit and just talk about random things. 'die boom' the lounge in the girls' dorm was also a favourite, had one of my best days there with the ladies, laughing for 3 hours non-stop.
Meals were always something I looked forward to, the kitchen staff are awesome and the food was great! Never had one day where the food was not good. They cater for each client's needs.
I love the Fellowship, finally found my place, a place where I belong. I know that no matter what, I will always have my beautiful people with their unwavering support, love and understanding.
Really enjoyed the interventions we watched and game nights. Charades and broken telephone were my favourites, I also had a lot of fun with 30 seconds.