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20 November 2019


The 12 steps made me realise that recovery is possible. I started developing courage by working the steps and I realised that I need help.


PRC gave me the freedom and courage to start my recovery.

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PRC gave me the freedom and courage to start my recovery.

When I came here from AKESO I just knew a little about the twelve steps but I did not work the twelve steps as I worked here. It made me realise that recovery is possible. First, my seven reflections opened my mind and I started having some freedom and courage. After doing and reading my life story I became more courageous and relieved. I started developing courage when I worked the step work. I realised many things about myself that I need help with, especially from my Higher Power. The sponsor is really having a good program that I think is best for my recovery. I am really going to continue working with you guys for my recovery. I will also recommend you to other addicts who might need help.

Individual Counselling

My Individual Counselling with Noxolo (Octavea), Margret and Diederick was awesome. I learned a lot from these three counsellors. Each of them has his/her gift in counselling. Keep it up guys God bless.

Group Counselling

I learned a lot from my fellow clients in our groups. All the clients were willing to help me when I needed help. They also listened when I made my input.

Step Work Counselling

Thanks to Mart for your honesty in doing step work. You constructively criticized. With me, I like people like you who build me by being honest. Onthene I will always remember you. I ran to you whenever I had a problem with step work. Keep it up and God bless.


The beds are not as comfortable as I expected. Toilets and bathrooms ok. The dining and kitchen are very good. Nice classes and offices.


Meals were ok although I am not used to some of them. But I was never hungry here at PRC Recovery.


The NA meetings were very good for my recovery. I learned a lot from the meetings. AA meetings were my best because I am an alcoholic. I will continue with this Fellowship.


The step work and meetings with fellow addicts through NA & AA made me aware of my addiction. I really hope that recovery from my addiction is possible. I am happy to work my recovery here at PRC Recovery.

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