I thought I had nothing new to learn and this rehab was going to be like all the rest but PRC taught me more about care and compassion.
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It was a pleasure working with the whole PRC Recovery team.
When I first arrived at Pace I thought I had nothing new to learn, I thought this rehab was going to be like all the rest I had been to previously. But Pace taught me more about care and compassion than the rest. Many thanks to Janine for making the rehab feel like a home with family. It was a pleasure working with the whole Pace team.
Individual Counselling
This helped, was good. Thanks to Priscilla.
Group Counselling
These were also good, they felt more like lectures. Maybe have some groups where the clients bring to the group what they want to talk about and the counsellor just facilitates the session.
Step Work Counselling
This was good, different to my previous step-working sessions. Thanks to Mart.
Nice place, beautiful area... Nice to make use of the surroundings like waterfalls, etc.
Food was good.
Fellowship meetings were good.
Generally good :-)