Thank you PRC Recovery for the wonderful program and fellowship that you gave me. I really enjoyed it and learned a lot.
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I understand my values and can allow it to improve my life.
This testimony will vouch that this facility brought out better characteristics of me. I understand my values way better and I can benefit from them by allowing them to improve my life. So, I thank you PRC Recovery for the wonderful program and fellowship that you gave me.
Individual Counselling
It was great and I did try to be open so my counsellors know my struggle.
Group Counselling
The group counselling was great, I really enjoyed it and learned a lot.
Step Work Counselling
Step Work Counselling really helped me a lot in many ways.
This facility was good. Since I came here I never had a problem, it was great.
The meals were great and I was taking it the way I was supposed to.
The Fellowship inspired me more and brought out way better values in me.