With God, no soul is ever too small or insignificant. His love and compassion are boundless, always seeking and welcoming every lost soul back home.
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PRC have become family and I will treasure the memories and experience.
With God, one soul is too many and a billion never enough. He always leaves 99 to fetch the 1.
Individual Counselling
Individual counselling was very helpful for me, I managed to learn a lot about myself.
Group Counselling
Group counselling was very informative and I learned a lot from it.
Step Work Counselling
I did learn a lot from step work, but I feel one or more group session is of more benefit.
Overall the facility is not bad. Though I have had some issues with my bed and pillows.
The meals are also okay. There was a variety of meals.
Fellowship is always great. Learning a lot about what others are going through helps me understand what I am going through a lot more.
In general my experience at PRC Recovery was good. The people at PRC Recovery from staff to other addicts have become family to me and I will forever treasure the memories and experience.
What Makes PRC Different?
What makes PRC Recovery different is that it is more than just a recovery centre, it's family. I will forever cherish my memories at PRC Recovery.