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Navigating Accountability: Unravelling South Africa's Substance Abuse Reporting Mechanisms

Writer's picture: Mart MeyerMart Meyer
ADAC-SA and Reporting Structures: Substance Abuse Accountability

Explore the intricacies of South Africa's substance abuse reporting mechanisms, unravelling the governance powerhouse, ADAC-SA, and the cascading oversight levels from provincial to local entities. This comprehensive framework ensures coordination, accountability, and alignment with the National Drug Master Plan, reflecting a living organism ready to respond in the ongoing battle against substance abuse.



In the relentless battle against substance abuse, South Africa has unveiled a robust network of reporting mechanisms, each designed to weave a tapestry of coordination, accountability, and alignment with the National Drug Master Plan (NDMP). This blog meticulously explores the intricacies of the reporting structures, focusing on the governance powerhouse - the Alcohol and Drug Advisory Council of South Africa (ADAC-SA) - and the cascading levels of oversight from provincial to local entities.

ADAC-SA - The Pillar of Governance and Accountability

Governance and Accountability - The ADAC-SA:

Establishment and Term of Office:

  • ADAC-SA is poised to emerge in conformity with prescribed legislation, explicitly outlining its duties and functions.

  • The term of office for ADAC-SA resonates with a strategic five-year duration, aligning seamlessly with the NDMP and tethered to the government's Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) cycle.


  • Executive luminaries of ADAC-SA will embody Technical Committee chairpersons (deputy director-general) from pertinent cluster departments, substance abuse experts, GBV coordinating structures chairperson, representatives from appointed research institutions, and figures from Higher Health and SAHPRA.

Extended Meetings and Accountability:

  • The collaborative spirit extends to comprehensive extended meetings, fostering engagement with provincial forum chairpersons, the youth sector, departmental technical team representatives, and nominated national civil society organizations.

  • The ADAC-SA Chairperson shoulders a mantle of accountability, offering periodic reports to the Minister of Social Development and the 'IMC for Combating Substance Abuse.'

Criteria for Expert Group Members:

  • Stringent criteria guide the selection of Expert Group Members, demanding qualifications in social sciences, medicine, public health, theology, law, and education.

  • South African citizenship, an undergraduate degree, and proven expertise in diverse areas, from research to aftercare and reintegration services, form the prerequisites.

Security Clearances:

  • Ensuring the highest standards, and security clearances are mandated for qualifying candidates, fortifying the integrity of the advisory council.

Provincial to Local Levels:

Provincial Drug Action Committee/Forums (PDAF):

  • PDAFs, operating at the provincial echelon, are fortified with dedicated secretariats and sufficient resources.

  • The articulation of individual provincial master plans, meticulously aligned with the NDMP, becomes a cornerstone.

  • Quarterly reporting mechanisms cement the connection with ADAC-SA, backed by resource allocations from provincial DSD.

District Drug Action Forums and Local Drug Action Committees (LDACs):

  • District forums, working at the district/regional tier, orchestrate coordination among local drug action committees.

  • Functioning as district custodians, LDACs unveil individualized action plans in tandem with the NDMP.

  • Monthly reporting rituals to respective PDAFs foster a robust feedback loop, with resource provision emanating from local municipalities.


In drawing the curtain on South Africa's substance abuse reporting mechanisms, it becomes evident that the framework is more than a bureaucratic apparatus; it's a living, breathing organism fostering coordination, accountability, and synergy. From the towering edifice of ADAC-SA to the grassroots involvement of LDACs, each component plays a vital role in steering the nation towards a unified front against the complex challenge of substance abuse. This intricate network is poised not just to report but to respond, creating a resilient system ready to adapt and evolve in the ongoing fight for a substance-free South Africa.

Continue Reading

The Prevention of and Treatment for Substance Abuse

Substance Use Trends and Strategic Interventions

Comprehensive Policy for Substance Use Disorders

Approach to Substance Use Prevention and Treatment

Approach to Substance Reduction Strategies

Overview of Substance Abuse Governance





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