Before coming to PRC I never thought that I would be able to go through life sober, that just sounded boring and actually impossible to me.

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It can be treated by following a simple programme at PRC.
Before coming to PACE I never thought that I would be able to go through life sober, that just sounded boring and actually impossible to me. Once I had learned a bit more about what it means to have the disease of addiction things started making more sense. The feelings of despair and loneliness even when around other people had a cause and here I have learned that it can be treated by following a simple programme. The staff showed me a new way of life, being sober and loving life because of it. I can't thank you guys enough. You saved my life and gave my daughter her father back, my parents their son and my brother his brother back. Love you guys
Individual Counselling
Very insightful and it was so cool to be able to speak about anything you felt and not being judged.
Group Counselling
I learnt a lot and got a lot of meaningful information about why we do/feel or don't feel. Allot of suggestions that once you try some of them you start realizing that they do work
Step Work Counselling
Not my favourite but that's no secret. It does help your recovery along though.
I love this place, the freedom and the cool people that make this place run smoothly every day. Aunty Rika is the best. Onthene helped me a lot as well and I'm going to miss her man. Daniele as well, I doubt anyone else could have helped me more than he has.
Food is food, I'm not fussy so I enjoyed most of it. Aunty Rika makes very nice chow, well so does Onthene and Janine and Mart so no complaints there.
The Fellowship played a major role in the 3 months I was here. I don't know if I would have the same trust in people if it wasn't for NA.
Really enjoyed it here and can't wait to come to visit. Let me know if you guys need some help with anything for goodwill or whatever over weekends. Thanks a lot for everything.